We offer residential and commercial bed bug inspections.
The severity of bed bugs infestations vary from very small early stage to what we call “raining bed bugs” where you can clearly see them in the mattress, box springs, wall/ceiling corners, light fixtures, etc
Early-stage bed bug infestations can be very difficult to detect even to the trained and experienced technician.
The consequences of missing even the smallest infestation can be very costly and upsetting considering that a single bed bug can produce up to 250 eggs in its lifetime.
Under normal conditions with temp around 65 deg. F a full life cycle from an egg through 6 life stages to a new egg is around 75 days. When temperatures exceed 75 deg F, that time span can shorten to as little as 14 DAYS. That is 5 times as many bed bugs in the same period of time.
Often times a short interview with the residents can help narrow down the area and expedite the detection of bed bugs.
Our vast experience in detecting and exterminating bed bugs allowed us to develop a process that is 100% conclusive. If a detailed inspection of the premises does not detect any evidence of bed bugs, we will install monitoring devices in strategic places ensuring 24/7/365 ongoing detection.
Often times the only evidence we are presented with is the bite marks. Many times the specific 3-4 bite marks in close proximity ( about an inch apart ) are very clear indications. However, people’s responses to bed bug bites and the proteins bed bugs inject with their saliva range from no response at all to anaphylactic shock in extreme situations.
In most cases redness with some swelling with severe itching results.
How Bed Bugs Affect Your Life
A lot has been said over the last few years about the human immune system and its importance to withstand illness. It should be clear; STRESS has a direct and devastating impact on your immune system and your ability to withstand daily challenges.
Bed bug infestation brings STRESS. It starts with LOSING SLEEP. If you cannot sleep well, other psychological symptoms will soon follow.
Bed bug infestation will be concentrated mostly on or around your bed as this parasite likes to live as close to its host as possible. You!
No other company offers a methodology that produces immediate results.
Our impeccable Google Reviews, which can’t be fabricated or altered support that claim.
Please call us for more information on our full site preparation, immediate results, 100 % safe non-toxic methodology, and a full 12-month guarantee.